Medical Mantras

1.) Mantra for Headache: OM NAMA SRI PADMA HUM KAR ANA THAYA HARA KA PA LA VYAT HAM Say seven times to cure headache. 2.) Mantra to impregnate water to cure headache: OM HEMANTA PARVATA SRI VANTA TARU ATIHIKE TINI PUTRI SULI VISULI VAYUSULI GHORASULI SANGA LAIJAME SRI SULAPANI Water should be impregnated by reciting this mantra fourteen (14) times. While reciting this mantra blow air into the water by mouth. This mantra cures headache and all types of pain. 3.) Mantra to cure fever: OM KAMPA KAMPI KALANDA KUNDAM KUMA MARAI MAHADEVA MARAI JAU TU AMI CUTAU MAHADEVA SARISE MICU AHO MAHADEVA NIRANJANA NIRAKARAM NILAPAMSI SORANA CANDRAMA AMRTA VARI SATAHA HINGULA JAGURE SAMNIPATA EKAM KARAHA KERA HAM HI UKU SAMNIPATA IKANILAGITI Apply the hand over the head of the patient while reciting this mantra. It cures fever. 4.) Avalaguja plant impregnation mantra for chronic fever and drsti dosha fever: OM URDH VA MAGACCHA ADHO MAGACCHA HRIM KLIM AIM SAUH MAMA CINTITAM KARYAM KURU KURU KURU SVANA PUNAH GAMISYAS The root of Avataguja should be impregnated by reciting this mantra for seven times. The person should face toward the north whilew reciting this mantra. Then the plant should be uprooted. Care should be taken to see that the complet3e root comes our and it does not break. The root should be tied to the neck of the person who has chronic fever. If tied to the neck of children it certainly cures dusta drsti ( affliction by evil-eye-sight) and afflictions of sakinis and dakinis. Application of a paste of this root over the body cures fever associated with shivering and drsti dosha ( afflications by evil spirits). 5.) Buddhist mantra for serious type fever: OM NAMO BUDDAYA DEVA NAMO DHARMAYA DATTA NAMAH SARVAYA This mantra of Lord Buddha should be written over a banyan leaf which should be gazed through the flame of fire. By doing so the patient becomes free from serious type of fever. 6.) Hanuman mantra OM HRIM HAMUMANTAYE NAMAH SAVHA The seeds of bandari should be impregnated with this mantra. These seeds shoud be kept in a pit dug near the cultika (fire place). This cures visama jarva. *-- fromAyurveda Saukhyam of Todaranada, Ch.4 Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease in Ayurveda. Viadya Bhagwan Dash & Lalitesh Kashyap